Thursday, 8 December 2011

Problems in Canada's Economy..

WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THE ECONOMY!? - Could technology be the cause?

If you are a Canadian citizen, and are working a steady, hard 9-5 job and are still reaching into your jean pockets to find nothing but denim. Join the damn club. Hundreds and thousands of Canadians are living on edge, anxiety ridden and possibly depressing lives. Our "big brother," the United States of America is feeling economic deprivation alot more than Canada is; however it's starting to look like we're heading down the same road. So why are our countries in such shambles!? I have a family to feed EH. Damn you corporate pigs!

Here are some issues we can point fingers at and channel or frustrations and anger towards to help us better understand why and what is causing this economic tension and a country wide boiler-room.

Technology. Phones, data plans, blue tooth, cases, etc. Cellphones I believe are a massive cause of an economic breakdown. Why? You ask it is just a phone... WELL most people are spending a whopping $400 + on a SINGLE cellphone which has no beneficial "bio-degradable," traits or stature to recycle into the consumers economy and create a food chain of some sort. Money is fed into these corporate cellphone companies, and what is the money massed by these companies spent on? Making MORE damn cellphones for you to pay MORE ridiculous prices on... Come on people we are throwing money into the air every time we pay an outstanding phone bill.
    Some will argue; "Well ya? But we need cellphones for business and to make more money." First of all HELL NO! You do not need a $500 phone to call someone and arrange a meeting. It was done for many years before cellphones even existed and people were just fine, extremely poor excuse. Cellphones = Bad for economy.

Government and immigrations. Canada is letting in a viral amount of immigrants into this country, I am not saying it is so much of a bad thing, BUT, it is ruining our economic stature we have had running here before the insane populace of immigrants came hoarding in. Yes I was an immigrant myself  and most of my family came here as immigrants: so no offence whatsoever in what I am saying. But maybe its time that immigrants stop taking jobs for such less pay and stop receiving so much financial help when they first come to this country; to a r******d point were ACTUAL long-term standing citizens have been here working for their country breaking their back and shedding tears lose their job and are STRUGGLING to gain financial support. LISTEN UP GOVERNMENT OF CANADA and IMMIGRANTS. This HAS to come to an end because it is UNFAIR and I strongly believe as a citizen who has lived here all my life that the people who have lived here and paid taxes all their life should not be suffering to help support someone who comes here and goes on well fare that we have to pay for. If we cannot support ourselves how can we support more and more immigrants that are piling into Toronto taking all our low-end jobs and working for less money on the higher tier employment positions. POINT A: If all of our low end jobs are taken what cushion does a person have to land on who loses their career or is no longer able to hold or support their higher end job? Lay-offs etc. POINT B: Is it fair that the minimum wage for working construction labour has gone down to $12 per hour for doing HARD labour intensive work!? Because people who are in even more desperate need of a job come here and work for cheap while collecting government support funds!?

OH CANADA... you have some explaining to do because soon there will be no such thing as a "middle class," citizen, High class and low class results in more violence and conflict in our country. STOP taxing families within a low income annual bracket so much. AND RAISE the tax amounts on the very wealthy citizens of Canada within an outstanding tax bracket. Is it that hard? you have a full loaf or bread. someone is starving. Break them off at least a quarter of your f*****g loaf your not going to starve to death yourself.
Make companies have a more strict policy towards how much a job should pay, no IF's AND's Or BUT's; if you are working a job that should pay you at least $16 dollars an hour; CRACKDOWN on companies paying employees $10-12 dollars for the same job. This goes out to all business owners and company owners as well. STOP f*****g with your employees, the people who work for you are the same people who will generate your own income you slithering r******d dumb a** f***s. Pay them properly, pay them respectfully and generously and you will see how productive and hardworking your company will become. I guarantee you our economy will improve if we focus on just these standard issues alone.

CITIZENS IT IS OUR JOB: to spend out money in more constructive ways.

WEALTHY PEOPLE AND CORPORATE BUSINESS OWNERS: it is your job to pay a little more taxes and pay respectful amounts of salaries to your workers.

CANADA: it is your job to tax who should be taxed. Monitor and crack down on labour laws and standard wages for certain jobs. Stop allowing immigrants to abuse your/our system; exploit our holidays, celebrations, rights as a Canadian. Allow reasonable amounts of immigrants and foreigners into our country so that it is not coinciding and affecting the lives of your citizens so much.

                 HELP OUR ECONOMY!!!                                            

Please post comments suggestions etc. I want to hear every ones feedback and situations. Recommendations whatever, I know I swore a bit in my post because I got worked up but lets keep this clean, friendly, and try not to be offencive. We have to figure out a way to help everyone that is suffering from the effects of a recession.