"WTF!? stim marines end game? This is bs gg! "
Is that you at the end of a high level terran vs protoss game, or even zerg for that matter!?Well for me it most definately is. Now for one thing Starcraft 2 is an amazing game.
- The depth of strategy involved and insanely fast multitasking skills almost makes me spaz out and seizure if I play the damn game for too long!! Now lets get something clear, I am a protoss player, and no im not giving you account information so you can brag about how shit I am and how im a noob etc. Maybe ill play you on the ladder one day and well see whos boss. Ok, im getting side tracked BUT! for shiza sakes! Who else here thinks terran is OP when it comes to first tier units, like come on... First off toss units are infinately more expensive than terran, and if your not on your toes with microing eg; force fields, graviton shield, etc. your most likely going to lose to a marine maruader composition... and yes ladies and gentleman.. you can have an army of carriers mothership and even collosus, it doesnt take much for a high level terran player to press a stim button and target units. Oh and those vikings, ya dont bother targeting them because when you do the stimmed marines are going to kill all your tier 3 units anyways...
Ok so target the marines or let your army do the job.. oh wait ya thats right than the vikings will kill my tier 3 units eg collosus mothership etc. Meh dont worry about emp its quite easy to obtain. Look the point im trying to make here is that you can have 4 bases and still lose to a 2 base terran, call me a noob, w.e, I gaurantee it happens to alot of platinum-diamond level players. Either tone down the rate a medivac heals, tone down the damage of the gause rifle... which may unbalance a zergling or zealot rush... but w.e do something intelligent blizz come on... why must a toss player have to do an irelevant amount of micro work when a terran player can just stim a+click... terran players hate all you want but for a decent army comp we need zealots stalkers with blink, immortals, collosus, sentires and the list goes on... where as a terran life gets complicated you see.. pump out marines marauders, medivacs, get stim and your good to go. GG terran...=(