+Angry Birds
Angry birds is sweeping nations like an Albert Hitchcock flick! Sales are rapidly increasing on this Iphone app, mini game. A groundbreaking $70 million dollars have been generated and collected off sales by the author of this simple, yet absorbingly creative game. It appeals to all genders and ages I suppose. The colours and animations are smooth. The physics and soundtracks are quite catchy and appealing. Is the game worth $70 million dollars... Come on now. It's called angry birds. But if millions of people enjoy it and are buying it, well excellent job, and very well done!

Just a quick summary of the game play...
The objective of the game is to launch various types of birds through a slingshot/catapult and try to smash into as many objects as possible while wreaking havoc on these trippy green apple dudes?

Speaking of physics; for a two-dimensional game the flow and animations of moving objects are very impressive. It is intriguing to see how much effort was put into the realsim of physics in the game, it really is quite flattering. Cool, but very simple game. Check out the hype for yourself, go out and buy it if you like throwing birds at stuff.