Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Tim Hortons offering latte's... ok

         Hello to all fellow Canadians. I've noticed that Tim Hortons have recently been offering "Lattes," and "Espresso's," on the brewery menu. First things first, I happen to be Canadian Italian. Latte in Italian means milk. So if you ask for a "Latte," in Italy; Someone will most likely hand you a glass of milk. Not a coffee with milk. Espresso's are a nice touch I must say. I'm not fully aware how they prepare their espresso's but my personal recommendation is with a cafetiera. Amongst all expensive machines, quick coffee makers, and mix substances, a cafetiera still has the most distinct and pleasure able tasting espresso in my opinion. And yes, there is a difference between an espresso and a coffee.
        To avoid any form of segregation or racism, I mean no offence in saying that Tim Hortons is not really an Italian based franchise. Its cool to have things from different cultures, but an espresso is best served from a bakery or an Italian persons home. Most employee's are not Italian and I just find it kind of awkward that they referr to a whole cup of coffee mixed with milk, as just milk... Latte. Now I love Canada for being multicultural, and I love having multicultural citizens. But if you're going to represent something from another country just try to do a bit of research before marketing a cultural food or representation. No offense Timmy's, still love your coffees and food. But all this lasagna, lattes, and espressos got me wondering if you should change your franchise name to Timmino Hortinos. Just playing, I haven't tried a latte or espresso from Timmy's yet but im sure it lives up to a decent Italian standard. Go to your local Tim Hortons and try em out. Salute!