Based on an epic novel series; HBO has brought to life the grasping tale of rulers and kingdoms.
Game Of Thrones is a revered series amongst medieval fantasy lovers. Kings, Queens, powerful midgets and ruthless rulers. A council of Honor, betrayal and most complex politics from a time capsule of mankind's past. Although fantasy twirls around the series with dragons, mythical creatures and sorcery. Game of Thrones sets the bar for turning fantasy into a believable story.
The characters are charismatic and gripping, the storyline is rich, and the amount of creativity in the series is astonishing. I highly recommend watching the first episode and almost gaurantee you will want to see what happens next. G.O.T. is more appealing to me than other HBO series because it is at no point in time repetitive or predictable; the fact that the story has been writen by a genius of an author glows as you watch each episode.
In this series you will be introduced to a number of factions within the kingdoms. The Lanestors, The Starks and the Dothraki are just a few. Each family or faction has their own unique symbolism, history and stereotype. They also have a special saying that proves their oath and bloodline. Situations get heated between factions and numerous complications cause war, deceit, betrayal and enevitably death.
The scripting is awesome, there is no room for cheesey punch lines or lame acting, all is done superb. Each character depicts a personality that you grow fond of or eventually end up hating. The politics are worth paying attention to because when the action scene or climatical moment arrives you are glad you absorbed the situation fully and are rewarded with the reasons why certain things happen. There is a delightful amount of gore, sexual scenes, nudity and profanity to keep you entertained. And the action scenes are done quite well.
Game of Thrones originated from the best selling novel series and I must say, unlike most transitions from books to screenplay, the producers followed the book to almost a tee. I am almost positive 90% of fans who adored the books are not disappointed in the production of the TV series.
Awesome HBO series.