Sunday, 8 November 2015


Battleground Of The Gods
                        For those of you who are not aware of "Smite," It is a MOBA game that has grown in popularity quite rapidly amongst gamers. Most MOBA players are geared towards games like League of Legends and DOTA. The common MOBA game has a typical overhead view or birds eye camera where players battle head to head competing in lanes to overcome each others objectives and towers. Smite is identical but also very unique in its own way. All characters you select are mythical Gods from different ethnicities. For example; Greek gods to choose from are Zeus, Thor and Apollo. Roman gods are Mercury, Bellona and Janus. Those are just six of approximately forty gods to choose from; ranging from Mayan to Chinese. Gods like Medusa and Hercules, Hades and Thanatos. The selection is quite intriguing. Each god offers three abilities to use to damage your opponent or escape battles; even go stealth or FLY!. And an ultimate move to crush your enemies or secure key kills.
                    Similar to a game of chess, the main objective is to take out the enemy Titan, (King) to win the game (checkmate). But you will also want to take out the pawns (minions), rooks (towers) and queen ( Fire Giant or Gold Fury). A Fire Giant kill will award your entire team with a damage buff that can be a real game changer. However, the fire giant is no easy opponent and you have to be strategic as to when to attack it and go for a kill. Situations abide by levels or enemy positions. For instance at level fifteen three of the opposing team members are downed and you have a full team with relatively good HP (Hit Points). It might be a good time to attack. Gold fury is similar to Fire Giant but is not as hard to defeat. Her damage is not as intense and she has no abilities to cause chaos as in a Fire Giant battle. Killing the Gold Fury results in your team being awarded with 300 gold each.
                          Items, The games inventory list is very similar to any other MOBA game. items provide attack speed, power, health, mana, and the occasional aura or special effect. The list goes on so I will not go too much into detail on buying items and class variations. Overall the game has a lot of action packed team fights and provides a voice chat system; good for trash talk and team play. There are a total of five classes. Support, jungle, attack defend carry (archers/hunters), mid and solo lane. Again each role has class specific characters. The thing that makes the game captivating is its third person camera, like a dynasty warriors MOBA game for example. Plus there is endless skins and Easter eggs in the game, plenty of voice packs to unlock and comedic skins like Derpules a shrunken head version of Hercules and a nerd raging version of Cabrakan who curses as he uses some abilities.
                           I wouldn't necessarily marginalize the age group for smite. There is not much gore but there is significant violence. So I would say the age group is any. Mature players, casual players and of course trolls exist on online matches. There is a slew of tournaments you can enter for a more competitive edge with your friends and even large sums of money to be made for the "pros." Top tier tournaments range from three hundred thousand to millions of dollars in prize money. Yes if you are good enough you can make a living off smite. I'd say this game has the whole package. It is also available on Xbox one aside from PC. It is a FREE game and I don't see how you can go wrong as a gamer trying it out. It is definitely a game hard not to like.. it is SMITE!