Monday, 5 December 2011

VideoGames: Starcraft 2 Protoss Vs Terran Early Expo Strat.



Loading screen.... loading screen..... loadi- WHAM! A screen pops up and you see your base in front of you with 5 probes taking a lunch break. "Shit," you think. "Time to get these assimorphs to work..( For those of you who have read the animorph books).. Anyways, the game begins. You start macroing and clicking a whole bunch of stuff for no apparent reason to look cool. " Hey look how fast I can go, whatever."
So you start off with a basic protoss build...

Something like this:

9 pylon. (Proceed to scout)
12 gateway
14 assimilator
18 core

- Now by this point you have easy access to a 4 gate, a robo, or if you choose to; make a second assimilator after your gas. An expansion is not a bad decision but it is quite risky for an offensive Terran player.

While your primary build is being constructed you have found the Terran base with your lone ranger scout that you may have forgotten about; and realised he has about one barracks 2 supply depots and maybe a tech lab. If you see bunkers popping up at the natural, typically 3; he is obviously going to expand rehtard?¿
Or in either case a command centre being built excluding the 3 bunkers, which will most likely be thrown up as soon as they have expendable income.

So, as a toss player you CAN go with the average 4 gate,  but unless your darn good at microing, I would not recommend it because if you lose your first push; its most likely a GG in his favour. So, lets think of some alternatives to a fast expanding Terran...

If I notice an early expo Terran I would most likely throw up another assimilator first and get that extra gas going. because now I have a wider range of options for a more offensive attack than a 4 gate. I can go for: 


Dark Templar rush, which cripples most Terran players if you play stealthy avoiding turrets and scans.


Blink stalkers with an observer and harass the living shiza out of your opponent by blinking in and out of his main and natural base beating the shit out of his scvs and mules while you pump probes and expand. ( TIP: Terran players can recover very fast economically, especially with minerals, taking out supply depots and assimilators are usually good targets. Unless you see tech labs or ghost academies being thrown up; you might want to target them.)

C. Skip above A and B and expand yourself. Again this could be tough against Terran, I would recommend getting a robo if your going to expand, to see if banshees are going to harass etc. Robos are just helpful in general against Terran.


A robo can also enable you to warp prism zealots and sentries on your opponents mineral lines, 2 sentries 2 zealots is a good warp in to shield off each exit and send your zealots in to raise hell on those scv, wanna be. mini gundam things. But be careful when warping; you dont want to lose to many units in case the Terran decides to attack.

Those are just a few tips and tricks against an early expanding Terran. Feel free to add your own insight or better builds orders / sequences.

GL HF  ♥_♥