Sunday, 15 January 2012

New Golden Eye 007 For Xbox 360!

 The revolution of FPS games has finally evolved
and made its way to a revamped, re-rendered,
better looking and more interactive game for the Xbox360 console.

Fans of the original Golden Eye will definitely be drawn into the games single player because it has a very classic and old school Golden Eye feel.

The graphics and physics are however quite disappointing considering it has been remade onto a higher tier gaming platform. With the power of an X-Box 360 the rag doll and physics are very lack luster. Multiplayer seems as though this is a port from Nintendo 64 to an original Xbox gaming system, and yes, when I mean original I mean NOT the 360 version of X-box. That's how horrible the graphics are in split screen. However, I have to give a considerable amount of credit to the game designers for implementing a 4 player split screen, offline, capability. I truly believe the fun factor died in video games once they turned to on-line console gaming, turning a video-game into more of a competition. Games are supposed to be fun, not made extremely stress full trying to climb a leader board ladder. Anyways, the Golden Eye concept is dead on, the problem is its TOO dead on to a point where you literally feel like you're playing the very first Golden Eye for the Nintendo 64.

If you are a true fan of Golden Eye FPS games, I recommend buying it. But you have to be a die hard fan to want to actually play through the game and not want to take the disc out and pop in Battlefield 3. For single player, I'd say the game is worth the money. Offline, split screen functionality, gives a great and personal feeling playing with friends. I literally thought the multiplayer was garbage until we started making our own rules and mini games inside levels that gave a creative edge and more of a fun factor.  I'm not sure.. maybe I am being a little too harsh on the game, but for some reason I was compelled to play it and got a couple kicks playing single and multiplayer. So if you have a little extra cash or you and your buddies wanna go splits on a copy. Go for it, it's also a great collectors item and go go go offline split screen gaming! Bring it back people!!!